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In an increasingly digitized business landscape, data backup is vital for the survival of an organization. You can get hacked or ransomed, and lose your data to thieves who�ll sell your trade secrets to the highest bidder. Injected malware can corrupt your hard-earned information. Disgruntled employees or other insider threats can delete your valuable digital assets.

Data backup is a practice that combines techniques and solutions for efficient and cost-effective backup. Your data is copied to one or more locations, at pre-determined frequencies, and at different capacities. You can set up a flexible data backup operation, using your own architecture, or make use of available Backup as a Service (BaaS) solutions, mixing them up with local storage.

We recommend a 3-2-1 Backup Strategy. A 3-2-1 backup strategy is a method for ensuring that your data is adequately duplicated and reliably recoverable. In this strategy, three copies of your data are created on at least two different storage media and at least one copy is stored remotely:

  • � Three copies of data�your three copies include your original data and two duplicates. This ensures that a lost backup or corrupted media do not affect recoverability.
  • � Two different storage types�reduces the risk of failures related to a specific medium by using two different technologies. Common choices include internal and external hard drives, removable media, or cloud storage.
  • � One copy off-site�eliminates the risk associated with a single point of failure. Offsite duplicates are needed for robust disaster and data backup recovery strategies and can allow for failover during local outages.

This strategy is considered a best practice by most information security experts and government authorities. It protects against both accidents and malicious threats, such as ransomware, and ensures reliable data backup and restoration.

We offer the following types of Backup & Storage Solutions :

  • � Removable media (eg: Tapes and DVDs)
  • � Redundancy (eg: RAID volumes and disk clones)
  • � External hard drive (with archive mgmt applications for low volume data)
  • � Hardware appliances (eg: File servers, NAS & SAN)
  • � Backup software
  • � Cloud backup services

Ou Server management services include:

  • � 24/7 administration of the server, data center using a slew of automated tools,
  • � Remote problem & incident management
  • � Operating System upgrade & version control
  • � Ensuring data consistency across master server, cluster and slaves
  • � Optimize disk usage, processor usage & load balancing
  • Security and bug patch notification for the operating system
  • � Performance monitoring of Internet-based infrastructure including hardware, software, OS, bandwidth & websites (collocation, automatic traffic redirection, storage replication & mirroring)